I’ll be going to Gnomedex in 10 days and I am very much looking forward to it. It should be an exciting event, and I hope to learn a lot from the very smart folks who will be attending. Bob Wyman will be there, and I’m hoping to learn more about the Feedmesh from him; also looking forward to meeting Eric Rice, Roland Tanglao, Steve Garfield, and so many of the other folks will be at this event.
And if there are any BlogHarbor bloggers there, you know the first drink’s on me…
Please let me know if you would like to get together for any after hours sessions. 😉 日本語を話せる皆さん、いっしょに飲みませんか?
pls. grab me at Gnomedex, love to chat and talk about blogware, life, the universe and everything!