Set Up WordPress Like a Pro…
Ebola or ISIS quiz…
20 years of blogging by @davewiner – It’s about people!…
Authenpic: take a pic with your camera and get it delivered to you a week later, just like the good old days…
Missed this one last month: statement from the monkey “reborn as Artist”…
.@verge says “our dedicated apps and API for third-party apps will be going away.” *Going away.*…
Note to self: check out Kirby, a file-based CMS
When pictures go away. Forever.…
Updated to WordPress 3.7.1
Updated to WordPress 3.7.1… Haven’t blogged in a long long while. Need to update the WordPress iOS app and get up to date on the integration there…
WordPress local dev tips: DB & plugins « Mark on WordPress: Running a WordPress site on your local machine is a great way to do development. I’ve taken advantage of this to do development while on flights (and yes, I realize that in about 5 years it’s going to seem positively quaint that there used to be flights without Internet access).
WordPress 3.2 Beta
Love the new full screen editor… So refreshing to create content on a blank screen…
Also now using the new Twenty Eleven theme on this blog. Not so sure about that. The giant header image doesn’t really do it for me.
Read more about the beta features here.
links for 2011-02-09
A lot of people have been debating back and forth lately about post formats and custom post formats. This discussion also gets all confused with post types, and custom taxonomies, and categories, and tags… It’s time for some clarity. Mark had a really good post on the topic, but I think this needs to be explored in more detail.
Custom Post Types: These were poorly named. Think: Custom Content Types. That is, non-post content. Examples: employees, products, attachments, menu items, pages, pets. If you want it to show up in your site’s main RSS feed, then it’s probably not a custom post type.
In general, taxonomies are used to arrange, classify and group things. By default, Taxonomies in WordPress are tags and categories that WordPress is using for the posts. Apart from these two, WordPress makes it possible for theme developers to create their own taxonomies which are created within the functions.php theme file. This is what we are going to cover today. We will learn how to work with Custom WordPress taxonomies.
Finally, WordPress version 3 gives us fully hierarchical custom taxonomies. Notice how the hierarchical nature allows us to simplify the Operating System taxonomy, for instance, by pushing all the different Windows variants under a “Windows” parent classification. This will allow visitors to see all posts classified with any Windows operating system, or allow them to be more specific and see only posts classified with Windows XP, for instance.
In this guide, we’ll go through the process of creating and using your own custom post type. More specifically, we will create an "Event" post type for your special events and dates, sort of like a calendar.
A custom taxonomy is exactly what it sounds like — a custom way to relate disparate content together. Custom taxonomies can be applied to custom post types or to regular pages and posts.
links for 2011-02-05
This bash script will let you replicate a WordPress MU blog environment from live installation into a sandbox, altering and rewriting wp-config.php and database entries to make sure URLs work the right way.
Global Domain Registrations Break the 200 Million Barrier + New Podcast Features Frank Schilling
Global Domain Registrations Break the 200 Million Barrier + New Podcast Features Frank Schilling: “Today in the Lowdown at Versign’s latest quarterly Domain Name Industry Brief reports that the total number of domain names registered worldwide crashed through the 200 million barrier in 3Q-2010. “
(Via Domain Name Journal – The Domain Industry Trade Magazine at
ProFounder Launches To Help Small Businesses Crowdsource Fundraising
ProFounder Launches To Help Small Businesses Crowdsource Fundraising: “ProFounder, which has been in private beta for the past year, offers entrepreneurs two ways to raise money on the site: through a private fundraising round, and/or a public fundraising round. The private fundraising rounds allow entrepreneurs to share a percentage of their revenues with investors (their friends, family, and community) over time. Essentially, this type of fundraising round is an offering of securities, and ProFounder helps facilitate compliance with state and federal laws related to this offering.
Public fundraising rounds allow entrepreneurs to share a percentage of revenues with both investors (anyone can participate – friends, family, community, and general public too) as well as a nonprofit organization. For both public and private fundraising rounds, ProFounder has a limit of $1 million raised.”
(Via TechCrunch.)
Fascinating idea…