“Medium’s CSS is actually pretty f***ing good.” by @fat medium.com/@fat/mediums-c…
APIs you can trust scripting.com/liveblog/users…
Agile is the new waterfall medium.com/@ayasin/agile-…
El Capitan David Wright delivers! #lgm
Let’s go Mets! #lgm
Absolutely perfect. twitter.com/MartianMovie/s…
Lots to digest here: “The future of decoupled Drupal” according to @Dries buytaert.net/the-future-of-…
Slack’s $2.8 Billion Dollar Secret Sauce bit.ly/1iEPewZ
The psychology behind why couples always fight when assembling Ikea furniture qz.com/504668/the-psy…
What Every Startup Founder Should Know About Buying Domain Names medium.com/life-learning/…
You can teach someone new skills, but you can’t teach them to have a personality or passion. linkedin.com/pulse/how-i-hi…
Commenting is dead: How chat will overthrow comments on mobile in 2015 medium.com/affinity-netwo…
Why Some Frontend Developers are Decoupling WordPress wptavern.com/decoupling-wor…
Open sourcing Grid, the Guardian’s new image management service theguardian.com/info/developer…